June 2024

Competition Act Disclaimer

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The federal government, through late changes to omnibus Bill C-59, passed amendments to the Competition Act with immediate effect that create significant uncertainty for Canadian companies that want to communicate publicly about the work they are doing to improve their environmental performance, including actions and plans to address climate change.

To be clear, MEG Energy Corp. remains fully committed to environmental performance, sustainable development, the work we are doing to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and our related ambitions. We believe we, along with industry, have a key role to play in helping Canada reduce its greenhouse gas emissions and meet its climate ambitions, while also supporting a vibrant economy, improving environmental performance and providing Canadians with secure access to affordable energy.

There is uncertainty on how the new law will be interpreted and applied. Until the Competition Bureau provides clarity and specific guidance on what is required to comply with these new laws, given the associated risk of non-compliance and very substantial financial penalties, we have temporarily removed some environmental and climate content from our website, social media and other public communications.

Incident Notification

Incident notification – April 30, 2016 – Meg Energy announces that today, at approximately 08:15 hrs, during work carried out on a natural gas well near the village of Edmonton in Alberta.