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Community Investment at MEG is about making a difference in the communities where we operate. We believe it is our responsibility to help communities thrive. It is aligned with our second operating priority, we care for the environment and communities in which we live and operate.
Developing strong relationships with communities is key to fulfilling of MEG’s business
objectives and operating priorities.
MEG focuses its support in the communities in which we live and work. Our primary areas of focus include:
MEG supported the following organizations in Alberta with corporate partnerships and contributions.
Hover over our partners to learn more about our impact.
MEG Energy’s application period is currently open and will close on May 16, 2025. MEG Community Investment offers donations and sponsorships to eligible organizations to address gaps and opportunities aligned with our focus areas.
To apply for community investment support from MEG, your organization must:
MEG does not support the following through its Community Investment Program:
If you have questions, please email Community Investment.
We believe that through the support of our employees, we can make a positive impact in communities we live in and we support employees who volunteer for organizations that are meaningful to them. MEG has three programs to support employees who volunteer their own time or donate funds to charitable organizations in their communities. MEG also offers opportunities to volunteer with our community partners like Trellis, The Calgary Zoo and Brown Bagging for Calgary Kids.
MEG matches employee donations to approved charitable organizations as an incentive for employees to contribute to organizations that are meaningful to them. Donations of $20 or more are matched by MEG with no annual limit.
MEG encourages employees to give back to communities by volunteering their time as volunteers or as coaches for youth athletic teams. In 2023, we awarded more than 60 volunteer grants to MEG employees.
MEG offers financial grants to employees who volunteer their time to coach teams in their communities, to a limit of $1,000 per year.
MEG is the leading pure play in situ thermal oil producer in Canada. MEG’s strategy is focused on delivering sustainable free cash flow by leveraging its high-quality assets and exceptional team.
MEG is the leading pure play in situ heavy oil producer in Canada. MEG’s strategy is focused on delivering sustainable free cash flow by leveraging its high-quality assets and exceptional team.
MEG is the leading pure play in situ heavy oil producer in Canada. MEG’s strategy is focused on delivering sustainable free cash flow by leveraging its high-quality assets and exceptional team.
Incident notification – April 30, 2016 – Meg Energy announces that today, at approximately 08:15 hrs, during work carried out on a natural gas well near the village of Edmonton in Alberta.